Study Questions for January 26, 2025

Read Acts 2:42-3:1

In the early days of the church in Jerusalem, where did most prayer take place among the followers of Jesus?

Using a word search in a concordance or bible study software, how many times does the word "pray" or "prayer" occur?  Divide those occurrences between corporate and individual prayer. During those times of individual prayer, do you find any evidence of a connection to corporate prayer?

If you have time, research the three daily prayer times in early Judaism. What were some of the elements of those three occasions of prayer?

Bonus: How do the 3 times of daily prayer align with the crucifixion of Jesus?  

Dividing your own exercise/occasions of prayer into corporate and individual, where does your activity fall-- by yourself or with others?
Are you in alignment with the practice of the early church?
Why would corporate prayer be so emphasized in practice?
Why would we be so individualized in our practice today?
What can you change that would be helpful to your prayer life?

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