Study Questions for October 20, 2024

Read Luke 15:11-24 and pay particular attention to the father's responses in the story.

How does it strike you that the father here gives the son his request for an early inheritance?

Why would a good father give his child what he asks for even when the father knows the consequences that will follow? Bring Galatians 6:7-8 and 2 Peter 3:9 into your discussion/consideration of this question.

What does Luke 15:20 say about God's expression of grace to us? How should the Pharisees have brought Joel 2:12-13 into this?

What does Luke 15:22 say about the restoration of the prodigal son? What does it say about our salvation before a Heavenly Father?

How does your experience with the Father here inform your approach to being an earthly parent?
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