Study Questions for August 22, 2024

Read Ezra 8:21-36

  1. Using a favorite resource, how many miles do these exiles travel on their return to Jerusalem? How long does it take this particular wave of returnees?

  2. What examples/actions of faithfulness and obedience do you observe in the people here?

  3. Contrast the examples of Ezra in 8:22 and Nehemiah in Nehemiah 2:9. What do you make of this?

  4. Why do you think fasting goes with prayer? What is your experience with fasting?

  5. How does the expression of stewardship in 8:24-30 inform your own accountability before God?

  6. What significance does the "burnt offering" express in their worship of God? How might this inform your personal worship response to God?

  7. As believers in Jesus, what denotes the gracious hand of God upon our lives?

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