Study Questions for August 4

Read Ezra 7:1-28

In 7:1-7, what do you learn about Ezra and the membership of those comprised of this second wave of returning exiles?

What do you learn specifically about the character of Ezra in 7:8-10?

Does Ezra 7:10 describe your life?  How so?

In 7:6 and 28 we read about the "gracious hand of the LORD."  How does this phrase speak to the situation as well as the character of God?

What do we see God doing again in 7:12-26?  How might this ancient example encourage you today?

How does 7:27-28 help you process the current events going on around you?  How does Ezra's example of worship help you worship?

Here, God does something pleasant to those who are living in those times. How should we respond when God uses other unpleasant times in our lives?
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