Study Questions for May 12, 2024

Read Philippians 4:1-9

From verses 1-9, how many commands (imperatives) do you count?

The command in 4:1, "stay true to the Lord" is a hinge command that connects the previous teaching on dealing with external opponents (3:2-21) to the teaching that follows on dealing with internal conflict (4:2-9).   How do these sections link to "stay true to the Lord?"
  • What does the command involve in 4:8?
  • What does the command involve in 4:9?
  • What is the result/outcome of obeying these commands? (4:7,9)

What would you assume that Euodia and Syntyche are thinking about each other in their current state?
  • How would applying the command of 4:8 help them reconcile with each other?
  • How would applying the command of 4:8 help you in your stressful relationships?

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