1 to Help & 2 to Encourage

We are excited to get your help on one thing and encourage you with two other things.  
First, can you help us make a decision? As many of you know, CFC has had a low frequency radio station for many years. The dial on your radio is 99.1, and you can also stream it online. The radio station is in desperate need of a big financial investment in order to keep it going. Before moving forward – because we want to be good stewards of every dollar given to CFC – we wanted to gauge its use and effectiveness among our church family. Would you help us by completing THIS ONLINE SURVEY? This will help us as we make decisions regarding the future of radioCFC.  

Now, we have two encouraging things to tell you:

1) This past Sunday, we celebrated 7 baptisms in the 9:15 AM service. Here is a link to WATCH THESE BAPTISMS so that you can be encouraged by the testimonies of what God has done in the lives of those who were baptized.  

2) Our MSM had their Winter Retreat last Friday and Saturday. Here is an update about the weekend from our Middle School Ministry Director, Matt Candlish:

This past weekend, over 70 middle school students came to Winter Retreat ‘24 here at CFC! It was a weekend filled with lots of fun activities, including laser tag, Elite Air, a scavenger hunt, an all church hide & seek, and Bob Ross painting. There were also many opportunities to be challenged spiritually. Our theme this year was “Community.”  During our teaching times, we studied the Acts 2 church and learned how important it is for us to have a heart united to God through Jesus. When we are united to God through Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit, it is possible to be a healthy community, just like the Acts 2 church! We also learned about the importance of inviting others to join the community through Jesus. Whether by our words, our actions, or both, we need to be sharing the Gospel with those around us. We ended the retreat with an indoor bonfire. During the bonfire, the students were challenged to reflect on what God had taught them during the weekend. Many students stood up and shared publicly how God was working in their lives. The bonfire ended with a time of prayer. It was quite moving to hear many of the students pray out loud during this time. This was a life changing experience for many at this year’s retreat!

You can see pictures from the retreat HERE. They are on Facebook, but you don't need a Facebook login to see them.

Church family, thank you for helping us by taking the survey. We would also ask that you please pray for continued growth in the weeks and months to come as our MSM team follows up with their students. Also, please pray for and encourage those you know who were baptized last weekend. We can't wait to see you and worship the Lord with you this Sunday!
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