Exciting News from Bremen, KY

Just over two years ago, the tornados that wreaked havoc through parts of Western Kentucky gave us a chance to be a blessing to Church Street General Baptist Church in Bremen, KY. Church Street was ministering to many families whose lives were forever changed, all while their own church building had suffered extreme damage.
Where would they worship? There wasn’t a facility big enough within 30 miles to host them. What would they do until they could restore their facility?  

Well, God used YOU! In two short weeks, the people of CFC gave close to $140,000 to purchase them a tent and furnish it with everything they needed to worship on their property each week until the building was restored and cleared for occupancy. They have been in the tent for just over two years, praising the Lord and seeing lives changed. The church isn’t the building, is it?
Later, we were able to provide funding to help the pastor and his wife purchase a modular home that they put on the property near the church.

With the rest of the money, we recently purchased and installed a new sound system in their auditorium. The exciting news is that this past Sunday, January 28, 2024, they held their first worship service in the renovated church building. We were blessed to have a few members of CFC attend that service. We will talk about this in our services in a few weeks, but take a look at THIS VIDEO and thank God for what He has done! He is faithful, and you are generous! Thank you, CFC!

We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday at CFC while Church Street again worships together in their new building!

Have a great weekend!

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