Resurrection Power

This weekend, we have our High School Ministry Winter Retreat. Over 60 high school students will be spending their weekend at CFC to learn about the power of the resurrection of Jesus. Zach Tinner, an Evansville native and former CFC staff member, will be joining us to preach on the present-day implications of Jesus’ Resurrection. Throughout Jesus’ ministry, He made a lot of extreme claims --one of those claims being His resurrection (Matthew 17). If Jesus truly did rise from the grave, then His words have serious implications on our lives.
A Savior who predicts His own death and resurrection, and then pulls it off, is a Savior who can be trusted. Not only with part of our lives but with every aspect. Over the course of the weekend, students will enjoy great times of fellowship and fun events planned at the church and around town. More than anything, our desire is for students to grow in their relationships with Christ or to begin that relationship for the first time.

Would you join us in praying for all of the students who will be attending the winter retreat?

Pray that…
• God would soften students’ hearts to see Jesus for who He truly is
• the students would believe that God wants to begin working in their lives right now, regardless of where they are in life
• the students' confidence in Jesus would increase
• the pressures that high school students deal with would be laid at Jesus’ feet
• the students’ affection for Christ would be increased
• God would give students a greater desire to make His name known

Thank you, CFC, for being so faithful to pray for our students. We can't wait to worship with you on Sunday!

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