An Invitation and Warm Welcome

An invitation and warm welcome could change a life! 
Lifeway Research found that 6 out of 10 Americans typically attend church at Christmas. Furthermore, among those who don’t attend church at that time, a majority (57%) said they would likely go if someone they knew invited them. 
Yes, you read that correctly! More than half of the respondents said they would likely go if someone they knew invited them. If you have 10 people in your life who don’t go to church, likely 5-6 of them would say yes if you invited them, but many of us have convinced ourselves that this can’t be true. 
“People won’t come to church if I ask them.”
“They will only judge me more.”
“It’s not worth the wasted attempt.”
CFC, don’t fall for those lies, and don’t listen to your fears! Ask your family member, friend, or neighbor if he or she would like to come to a Christmas service with you. 
While we don’t know the real reason why people go to church at Christmas, we should not only invite them but also be even more attentive at church around Christmas. With all the negatives of Christmas – the commercialism and emphasis on everything but the cross – sinners coming to a service is certainly a positive!
In addition to inviting people, what if we were more alert and intentional about greeting strangers who attend our services? What if we looked around us and introduced ourselves to someone we typically don’t see on a Sunday? Many of us would agree that we are living in some dark days. What if those around us are rethinking their relationship with God? What if an introduction or a warm welcome would encourage someone to return to church? What if the people who come feel known before leaving? CFC, you can make an impact on those you didn’t even invite!
If you feel that making those invitations or striking up conversations with those you don’t know at church are difficult, please reach out to us, and we can talk and pray with you about that. We would love to help you be more comfortable doing these things this Christmas!
We can’t wait to be on the lookout for how we can welcome others this weekend! See you soon!
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