Making a Connection

One of the things that men often struggle with is connection. As a man writing this, most, but certainly not all, men have a hard time making it a priority to meet and connect with other men on a deeper level. At the same time, this sort of connection is crucial to how we grow in our relationship with Jesus. This is exactly what Proverbs 27:17 has in mind when it says “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” We are formed by deep relationships; as we open up to others, they influence us, and we influence them. Those relationships don’t occur overnight, though. They take work, and they have to start somewhere. 
This is why we started the Men’s Meat Up a couple of years ago. We wanted to create an environment where men could meet other men from our church to build relationships that will have this sort of impact on their lives. We’d love for you to join us for an evening of fellowship with other men. We’re smoking 16 pork butts this year, so come hungry and ready to eat some pulled pork as you engage with the other men around you. You can register HERE
We hope to see you there, and we also hope to see ALL of you Sunday as we worship the Lord as a family!
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