Elder, Pastor, Shepherd

At CFC, we are governed by a distinct pattern for church leadership that we see in the New Testament – we are governed by a group of elders. The word elder, sometimes translated as pastors (which may also be translated as shepherd), and the word overseer are used interchangeably in the New Testament. Even though these terms often mean different things among various churches today, the New Testament seems to point to one office, which was occupied by several godly men within each church. One elder is not meant to carry all the weight and authority, but rather it’s the plurality of the elders that govern the body. 
While we are blessed with many godly men at CFC who may meet the qualifications, we recognize that not all of these men are called to be elders or even aspire to be elders. Our Elder Board has made a very clear and unified decision over the past 2 years to be intentional about developing, equipping, and training men who aspire to this high calling. However, we will never sacrifice the qualifications that the Bible makes clear. We want a pipeline of godly men at CFC prepared as future elders to lead this church that by God’s grace will NEVER, under any pressure, sway from God's Word!
We were excited to tell you last Sunday in our services that we have three men with whom we have been working for over a year and half. They have gone through an extensive process to be installed on our elder board. At CFC, we don’t vote on elder candidates, but the last step for them is to have our church affirm the decision to make them elders. Please see the men below and, if you haven’t already, fill out the form at THIS LINK and submit it. 
Also, be praying for our current elders and their desire to have more godly men step into this very hard and weighty calling of leading HIS local church. 
As always, let us know if you need anything! We can’t wait to worship with you this Sunday!
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