Studies Show...

We are excited to celebrate this Easter with you! Believe it or not, Easter is only a week away, and we want to encourage you to invite those in your lives who are not connected to a local church to join you at CFC this year. People are far more receptive to – and may even be expecting – someone inviting them to church for Easter. We were created for relationships, so it’s no surprise that a personal invitation goes a long way!
Church studies from Thom Rainer have revealed a lot in regards to this topic. Did you know that 67% of Americans say a personal invitation from a family member would be very or somewhat effective in getting them to visit a church? Also, 63% of Americans say a personal invitation from a friend or neighbor would be very or somewhat effective in getting them to visit a church. These numbers, while already high, increase greatly around Easter. According to Rainer, 8 out of 10 people will say “yes” to a personal invite to church around Easter. Rainer also says that 7 out of 10 unchurched people have never even been invited to a church. If you compare those two stats, there is quite a large number of people who would come to church if someone they knew and respected would invite them. 
CFC Family, a small gesture could put someone on a new trajectory! Invite them! Easter commemorates the most important moment in Christianity. Everything hinges on whether or not Christ bodily rose from the grave. If we believe this story to be true, how can we not think of someone to invite? We have a video invitation that you can share with visitors HERE if they want to know more.
Our schedule for Easter is in the graphic below. Saturday evening (which will not have Children’s Ministry classes) is a great option for those serving on Sunday, those who are hosting family gatherings on Sunday, and those who want to make space for all the visitors on Easter (this is a big need). Our building will be packed on Sunday, and we can't wait for everyone who will be here to hear the life-changing news of Jesus, the Good News! 
Also, our Quarterly Operations Report is now available online HERE, or you can get a printed copy at The Center. Thank you, Church Family, for your faithfulness in giving to the Lord here at CFC! We pray you aren’t giving out of obligation and are finding joy in giving. We are thankful for you! If you have any questions about the report, please let us know.
We are excited to worship with you this weekend and again on Easter!
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