Students Are a Core Value

Students are one of CFC’s Core Values. They are so important to us that we want to have individuals “going where they are” and having gospel-centric conversations with the students. Over the last year, our College Ministry has really grown. In large part, that’s because one student, JD, has invited someone different to join him at our college group every single week. JD is very bold in sharing the Gospel with anyone he meets. As a result, God has brought record-setting numbers of students to the College Ministry. JD is on fire for Jesus, and we are excited for him to help us reach High School students too. We want you to meet JD, as he is now an intern for Student Ministry here at CFC.  
Here is a word from JD:
I grew up going to church, and I knew the basics of right and wrong in Christianity but never saw the fruit lived out by the people closest to me. I would have identified as an Atheist from middle school all through high school. In those days, I was relying on myself and seeking validation from others. I decided to attend college here in Evansville at USI. During my first month here in Evansville, I needed a haircut. This will make sense here soon. I chose a random barbershop from Google and stumbled upon one with good reviews. I went in, sat down, and the barber preached the gospel to me. I told him I was an Atheist and didn't want to talk about it. But he didn't stop. He invited me to a men's group at his church. I didn't want to go initially, but there was free pizza, so I ended up going. In this men's group, they talked about having a relationship with Jesus. This was the first time I had heard of this being a relationship. I continued to go to this group weekly for the conversations and free pizza. But I wasn't paying attention to what they had to say about God. Then one night, a man came in and was distraught. His life turned upside down in the matter of days. I remember wanting to help this guy in any way I could. A leader of the group led us in a prayer as we all put our hands on him. I joined in as well. This was the first time I had prayed. After the prayer, I sat back down and started crying and shaking. I couldn't explain what I was feeling. I went up to the pastor that night and asked what it was I had experienced. He told me that was the Holy Spirit. After that, I continued to search and ask questions. A lot more happened down the road that eventually led me to submitting my life to Jesus Christ.
I have called CFC my home since January of 2023, and I am super excited to serve here as an intern! I thank all of the staff here for guiding me in Biblical Truth and allowing me this experience of serving in this way. I hope to learn something new every day about how a church should be run and about my personal growth in holiness. I ask you, the congregation here at CFC, to hold me accountable as a brother in Christ to help me be a better servant of Christ Jesus. I hope to not just write this but to know more of you personally in our congregation.

God saved JD, and when He saves, He sends. Now JD is doing something that most in the church lose sight of – evangelism. We think that we all have something to learn from JD. Would you consider being so bold as to invite someone to worship with you this weekend? We are excited to worship with you (and your guest) on Sunday!
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