The Joy of Giving and Going

We have 2 things to tell you about this week.
First, have you ever been on a short term mission trip? Or if you have been, do you think maybe it’s time to do it again? These trips can be life-changing for those who go, as well as for those whom we serve. We would love for you to learn more about an upcoming Evangelistic/Medical Mission trip to Honduras. If the term “medical” made you pause, please keep reading until the end.
A mission trip to Honduras is planned for October 1-10 with Dream Big Medical Mission, and it’s going to be led by a couple of our CFC members. Though it is a medical mission, medical experience is not a requirement. A strong willingness to share the Gospel and to love people is all that’s required. There will be an informational meeting for those interested after the 9:15 service on Sunday, July 7 in Room 215 above the Gym. You can learn more about the trip so that you can pray about whether this is for you or not. For more information, or if you are interested and you cannot attend the meeting, contact Scott Strouse at 812-483-4704 or Glenn Pace (trip leader) at 812-204-1038. This is a great way to "Glorify God by Making Disciples of All People!"
Secondly, we know that the Bible is not shy about the topic of money. In fact, it speaks directly to it hundreds of times -- so much so that the subject screams for our attention. Why did Jesus speak more about money than almost any other topic? We believe one reason for this is that God wants us to recognize the powerful relationship between our true spiritual condition and our attitude and actions concerning money and possessions. Look at the story of Zacchaeus; the reality of Zacchaeus’s salvation was judged by Jesus based on his willingness, his cheerful eagerness, and his attitude toward parting with his money for God’s glory and for the good of others.
Giving is a heart issue that leads us to great joy! The Christian, renewed and transformed by Christ, is called to generous living, and this should shine in all aspects of our lives. Our giving really does flow from our relationship with our God, who owns everything. We don’t give in order to gain God's love, rather we give because of God's love. We are given grace through faith; therefore, we give graciously in faith. In the New Testament, we see that we should give willingly and cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7), giving should be a regular pattern for us (1 Corinthians 16:2), we should give proportionately to our ability (2 Corinthians 8:3), we should give generously (1 Timothy 6:18), and we should give sacrificially (Mark 12:41-44).
CFC, we hope and pray that you are experiencing the joy of giving here at CFC and beyond and that it's your pleasure rather than being a pain to you. All we have is from the Lord, and He loves seeing us steward His blessings for His glory.
We know that Jesus does not call every follower to liquidate their possessions, give away all of their money, and leave their homes like He asked of the rich young ruler in Matthew 19. However, there is a theme in all of these stories: if Christ is not Lord over our money and possessions, He is not our Lord at all. We are humbled that you have made God the Lord of your finances and you consider CFC in your giving.
The third quarter of our fiscal year just ended, and we praise God for you! Even with so much uncertainty in the economy and things costing far more than they ever have, the CFC family has given faithfully – and hopefully with JOY, too! You can see the Operations Report to date HERE. If you have any questions, please reach out to Nathan Hazel in our church office.
Please know that we take seriously the call not just to give, but also to steward well the resources given to this church by you, our church family. Every dollar given is appreciated, prayed over, and is to be used to make disciples. All of your gifts go toward the ministry of CFC, both internally and externally.
Lord willing, we will worship with you this weekend, and we are excited to do so! Again, CFC, THANK YOU for allowing God to use you in this way.
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