The Miller Project

Church Family, one of our greatest privileges and responsibilities is to serve and care for our Global Staff members who serve around the world. We are not all called to GO, but surely we are all called to GIVE or PRAY! We want to give you the chance to take part in a unique opportunity to bless the Miller family serving in Spain. Below is a comment from them and then instructions and details about how to be a blessing. 
Hello CFC! We are the Miller family (Noel, Patricia, Eliana, and Zeke). We've been serving in Madrid, Spain since 2017. Our two main ministries are teaching/discipling young people at an international Christian school and coming alongside and supporting victims of human trafficking at a safe house. For both of these ministries, and for life in general, we need a dependable vehicle. The one we currently have is 14 years old, has lots of miles on it, and has mechanical and electrical problems. We are hoping to get something newer and larger that will allow us to carry more passengers and will get us safely around the city and country as needed. Would you be willing to help by giving a one-time gift of $100? In doing so, you’ll be partnering with us in our work and helping us serve more people. Thank you!
Our CFC GO (Global Outreach) TEAM is looking forward to seeing how God uses you. We are prayerfully seeking 200 financial resource partners to give $100 each. If you choose to give more, you can. We will cap the giving when we reach the goal. This is a charitable gift and will be on your contribution statement for 2024 giving. You can give online by clicking on THIS LINK, or you can give by check through the mail or in person. Please write “Miller Project” on the memo line of the check so that we can ensure your gift goes toward the goal.
100% of all giving will go toward the project. If you aren’t able to give, would you pray for the Millers? We are so thankful that the Lord has called them and is sustaining them to make disciples in places where we can’t! Have a great weekend, and we hope to see you Sunday!
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