Study Questions for September 15, 2024

Read Ezra 10 and Malachi 2

The offense of Ezra 10 revolved around the taking of idol-worshipping wives for the men of Israel who had returned from exile and resettled. This also included giving these women to the sons born during and after this return.

Shockingly, what do you learn from Malachi 2:11-16 about the way these women were often obtained?

What is the difference between confession and repentance?  Where do we fall short at times in terms of confessing and repenting of sin?  What are the particular pains involved in confessing and repenting?

Who were the first people mentioned in the list of offenders? (10:18,23,24)
Why is this important?

What lessons have you learned from Ezra 10 on how to deal with sin? On leadership? On accountability? On repentance?

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