Study Questions for August 18, 2024

Read Ezra 8:1-20

Ezra 8 is a macro view of the preparation involved with the return of exiles in the second wave. In chapter 7 we had a micro view of the event. We have to keep this in mind since we normally look for a chronological sequencing of events. So think of chapter 7 as zooming in and chapter 8 as moving out in scope.

1. Compare the list of names in the second wave (8:1-14) with the names mentioned in the first wave (2:1-39.)  What do you observe about the similarities and differences?
Contrast this with the list in Matthew 1 paying particular attention to 1:12-13.
How does this strike you?

2. What problem does Ezra discover in 8:15?
Why was this a problem?  
How does Ezra deal with the problem?
According to verse 18, how is the problem solved?

3. How has Ezra demonstrated leadership (planning, preparing, dealing with circumstances) that you find applicable to your life?

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