Global Staff

Christian and Marcie Dedrick

With love and respect Christian and Marcie are inviting all Muslims to follow Jesus in Asia Minor. Through tourism and kids clubs, gymnastics and English classes, they're sharing the love of God. Please join them in praying for a movement of people that follow Jesus in love and obedience.

Joe and Sarah G.

Joe and Sarah have been part of CFC since 1991. They served overseas with Pioneers in Central Asia on a church planting team for a number of years. Since 2012 they have been in Orlando where Joe serves as the V.P. of Mobilization for Pioneers USA. Pioneers is a church planting organization that sends missionaries to the most spiritually needy places in the world. Their current role is leading the mobilization efforts in the US. This involves casting vision for missions around the US, recruiting, training and sending missionaries to the unreached, focusing on places that are less than 2% Christian. Their team of 30 is made up of missions coaches, two short term programs and a group of long term coaches. Each year they have the privilege of seeing over 100 people going on short term trips to explore their fit in the Great Commission and over 200 a year moving forward in long-term missions to the unreached. They have 2 boys, Ezra and Eli, who Sarah is homeschooling. Their passion is to see God glorified by raising and sending laborers to the harvest field. 


This family serves at their ministry's Middle East / North Africa headquarters in France, frequently traveling into closed countries in support of Arab-Christian workers, volunteers and disciples. They are seeing unprecedented numbers of people coming to faith in Christ through ministry to university students, among professionals, in the planting of new churches, and online. 

Glenn and Carole Kleinknecht

Glenn & Carole serve with the New York inner-city ministry of Cru (formerly Here's Life Inner City). They have the great privilege of going alongside gifted inner-city ministry leaders as they present and represent Christ to the poor. They serve and mobilize these caring churches to connect effectively with the needy and see lives and communities changed. 

Noel and Patricia Miller

Noel and Patricia Miller have been serving at Evangelical Christian Academy in Madrid, Spain since 2017. They spend their time teaching, discipling, and mentoring young people. They are also involved in ministry at a local church and a safe house for abused and trafficked women. They serve in Spain so that Spaniards and immigrants from other nations have an opportunity to encounter Jesus in a personal way by interacting with Christlike people who are authentically living out God’s word. You can learn more about the Millers and their ministry HERE

Teila Pitts

Teila Pitts has served on staff with CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) for nearly 17 years. Her current role is equipping, training, sending and caring for short term and long term missionaries on the field from the states of GA, FL, and MS. She coaches new staff and invests in staff on the field in the US and overseas. Her role is to care for CRU staff so that the Gospel goes forth to the nations. 

H & A

H&A serve with Pamir Ministries creating film and television content to reach people groups in Central Asia with the gospel.  They have produced testimonies, short films and even a drama series, all of which are broadcasted via satellite into countries in Central Asia and Middle East! H&A are passionate about seeing Christ known among the people both in the region and the diaspora. 

Paul Niednagel

Paul and Joyce Niednagel live and minister in Taipei, Taiwan. Joyce is Teaching Leader for a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class and oversees the Sunday School at their church. Paul directs music ministry at church and serves on the teaching team. He’s also helps lead OmniPro Music, a ministry that writes and produces new music in Chinese, provides training for church musicians, and puts on special music events. Beyond this, Paul teaches on worship at several Bible schools and seminaries as well as putting on worship-leading workshops in various Chinese-speaking contexts. Paul currently serves with Missionary Companion Ministries.


The Taylors depend on the Lord for the provision of their daily life and ministry. Teams of churches and individuals partner together with each worker to provide their necessary prayer support, salary, and work expenses. You can become a vital part of initiating church-planting movements among the unreached by becoming a faithful supporter. 


This family is loving God and people and making disciples by serving to bring transformation to the people of Belfast, Ireland and beyond by planting churches, campus and community outreach, and world missions.