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Giving is a natural response for believers of Jesus. It is out of the overflow of our gratitude, as we understand grace and all that Jesus did for us, that we give. By being generous, we honor the Lord, and His work on earth is advanced.  As a result, lives are changed, and we experience joy. Giving, therefore, is not something we want from you but something we want for you.  


With love and respect Christian and Marcie Dedrick are inviting all Muslims to follow Jesus in Asia Minor. 


Joe and Sarah G. have been part of CFC since 1991. They served overseas with Pioneers in Central Asia on a church planting team for a number of years. Since 2012 they have been in Orlando where Joe serves as the V.P. of Mission Engagement for Pioneers USA. 


After returning from France in 2023, the Holmstrom family are now living in South Florida and are continuing to serve with Cru .


Abraham Justin trains and equips dozens of pastors throughout India. 


Glenn & Carole serve with the New York inner-city ministry of Cru (formerly Here's Life Inner City). 


Noel and Patricia Miller have been serving at Evangelical Christian Academy in Madrid, Spain since 2017. They spend their time teaching, discipling, and mentoring young people. 


Paul and Joyce Niednagel live and minister in Taipei, Taiwan. Joyce is Teaching Leader for a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class and oversees the Sunday School at their church. Paul directs music ministry at church and serves on the teaching team. He’s also helps lead OmniPro Music, a ministry that writes and produces new music in Chinese, provides training for church musicians, and puts on special music events. Beyond this, Paul teaches on worship at several Bible schools and seminaries as well as putting on worship-leading workshops in various Chinese-speaking contexts.


Teila Pitts has served on staff with CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) for nearly 17 years. Her current role is equipping, training, sending and caring for short term and long term missionaries... 


H&A serve with Pamir Ministries creating film and television content to reach people groups in Central Asia with the gospel. They have produced testimonies, short films and even a drama series all of which are broadcast via satellite into countries in Central Asia and Middle East! H&A are passionate about seeing Christ known among the people both in the region and the diaspora. 


Mike Taylor is partnered with Pioneers. 


This family is loving God and people and making disciples by serving to bring transformation to the people of Belfast, Ireland and beyond by planting churches, campus and community outreach, and world missions.